The Center will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12th due to inclement weather
The Center will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12th due to inclement weather
The purpose of the Perkins County Senior Center shall be: To act as a firm advocate for the older citizens residing in Perkins County with regard to their needs, problems, concerns and issues; To identify and define the most pressing needs of Perkins County's older citizens; To develop effective plans to meet the identified needs on a continuing and county- wide basis; To develop or have developed needed services to meet the identified priority needs of Perkins County's older citizens as outlined in the corporation's plan; To monitor and evaluate continually the services and programs in Perkins County for older people to insure that services and program objectives are being met and that those objectives are meeting the needs of older people; To cooperate and coordinate with the West Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging for the purpose of insuring that an effective comprehensive and coordinated system of services is at the disposal of any of the Area's older citizens in need of services; and To develop and implement an annual county- wide operating plan of programs and services.